My Quiz Results!
Friday, October 10, 2003
Um... hmm
zero people

You Will Have Sex With 0 People!

Ah, things aren't looking that good for you

It seems like you haven't had sex yet

Maybe you're still young - but maybe you're sexphobic.

If you don't want to die a virgin, you've got to act soon!

Thursday, October 09, 2003
Mmmm.... :)
Legolas is the man for you. Someone wise in the way
of the world, but someone fresh and young as
new rain. A graceful man that bends with
adversity rather than breaking.

which lotr star would fight to be yours?
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Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Close Enough
Season = Autumn
You're Most Like The Season Autumn ...

You're warm, and the most approachable. You have
that gentle prescence about you. People can
relate to you, and find you easy company.
However it's likely you've been hurt in the
past and it has left you scarred so things can
become rather chilly with you at times. Being
the third Season in, you're mature, trustworthy
and loyal to your friends but prone to
depression and negative thinking.

Well done... You're the shy and sensitive season :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
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I'd just like to note, I was one question off of Winter, and though I wouldn't have offically changed my answer there to be able to have scored Winter as another result, there is still a lot of truth in it. (That and it's my favorite season :) )

Season = Winter
You're Most Like The Season Winter ...

You're often depicted as the cold, distant season.
But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
Independant. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really

Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
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My favorite Flower is the Starburst Lily :)
You are a Lily. You are pure and honest in every
aspect of your life. You may seem a little
naive but there is more to you than meets the

What Type of Flower are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a Rose. You are passionate and intense and
love to be showered with attention. You are
often a leader and know what you want and will
do almost anything to get it. People look to
you for inspiration and while you can often
seem hard and uncaring, you are loyal to the

What Type of Flower are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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