My Quiz Results!
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Another MUST do Quiz! - Charmed
And Yay! Perfect Result imo!

Goddess of Earth
Your Goddess of Earth, like Piper Halliwell~Wyatt!

Which Charmed Goddess Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, September 15, 2003
Which Tarot Card? There's truth in both
"the meditator, philosopher, sage, wise

You can not and will not compromise your values and
have a desire to complete past things before
begining the new (you value completion,
perfection, and introspection highly). You are
a natural way-shower, sage, and seeker. You
have an appreciation of the body and the wisdom
of the earth and its natural process. You have
a deep love for beauty, harmony, and order.

which major arcana of the thoth tarot deck are you? short, with pictures and detailed results
brought to you by Quizilla

"the joker, worker, stabilizer"
You are gifted when it comes to protecting yourself
from judgements cast upon you by others. In
fact, you are not easily thrown by external
reality. You have the capacity to work and
play hard and to laugh at yourself. This is
the card of humour and sexuality.
"Devil" spelled backwards is
"lived", and it is very fitting. You
live with humour and have a stable foothold on
life. Of course, you do love setting the
occasional bit of mischief into play.

which major arcana of the thoth tarot deck are you? short, with pictures and detailed results
brought to you by Quizilla

Hey Em, here's the test you wanted me to take
E.T.'s kinna squashy, but warm and fuzzy in his own
way. He's nothing at all like a Cylon.

Which 80s Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movie are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

The Kind of Friend I am is...
You're the psychiatrist! All your friends come to
you for advice because you freely give it and
it's usually great advice! You are responsible
and a good listener, keep it up! And if you
get bogged down by always solving other
people's problems, remind them that you have
problems sometimes too and they'll be glad to
help you out!

What kind of friend are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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