My Quiz Results!
Sunday, March 20, 2005
He... Helium.
You scored 24 Mass, 27 Electronegativity, 35 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity!

That's odd, our tests indicate that you did not just take this test. In
fact, we're not even sure you exist. Oh, wait, no, somebody just found
indirect evidence of you in the deep Earth and in the Sun. Okay, so
you're real, but man, you need to get out more. Actually, you're pretty
cool, always doing your own thing, but we kinda wish that you would
interact with us a bit more. On a positive note, I think some research
lab in Berkeley has managed to put you into a psuedo-stable
relationship that, if you're kept very cold, you won't walk away
from... or maybe that was Xenon. I forget.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 11% on Mass
You scored higher than 34% on Electroneg
You scored higher than 14% on Metal
You scored higher than 1% on Radioactivity
Link: The Which Chemical Element Am I Test written by effataigus on Ok Cupid

Woah! Talk About Surprises
The Vampire Novel
Hmm, very interesting! You scored 145!

People are addicted to you, as you make such entertaining and sexy
reading material. You get people’s imaginations flowing and make for
the type of book people want to read more than once. Cults have been
inspired by the likes of you.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 75% on bookpoints
Link: The What Kind Of Book Are You Test written by saucygirl on Ok Cupid

Cool? Interesting!
You scored 60% Esotericism, 34% Power, and 10% Malevolence!

A mythical being of Chinese mythology, comparable with the Western
unicorn. Ki-lin personifies all that is good, pure, and peaceful. It
lives in paradise and only visits the world at the birth of a wise
philosopher. The unicorn, which can become one thousand years old, is
portrayed as a deer with one horn, the tail of an ox, the hooves of a
horse, and a body covered with the scales of a fish. It is one of the
four Ling.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 73% on Esotericism
You scored higher than 49% on Power
You scored higher than 13% on Malevolence
Link: The Mythological Profile Test written by LacedWithASmile on Ok Cupid

I've been slipping the last year or so...
Congratulations! You scored 80!

You're nice, kind, idealist and good. You watch for others and like to
be helpful, love is the purest form of bliss given to humanity and a
soul is the most important so that it must be well cared. You represent
the light side. The Yang side of nature. Life, light. Your goodness
makes you necessary for cosmic balance. Note that the higher your Score
Range, the more good you are, so, if your score is around 60, you're
perfectly nice but not too different from most people, but yet more
inclined to that side of reality. In the other hand, if your score
reaches one hundred for some reason... gods, maybe you are a real
angel. In a second note, if you're really HIGH in your score, just
remember not to sacrifice too much. You're way too special to go away
in a single burst, so watch yourself and good luck.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 88% on angeldemon-dots
Link: The Angel or Demon Test written by arkb on Ok Cupid

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