My Quiz Results!
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Lucky you! You are Artemis, my personal favorite!
YOU are goddess of the moon, and wild things.
You get to drive you chariot across the sky
during the night.
What Greek Goddess Are You? (for girls...unless you are just REALLY curious)
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You are: Kermit!
You are quiet and perceptive. You are also a
natural leader and everyone likes
everyone comes to you with their problems! This
can be a bit much for you at times, but you
seem to manage. It's not easy being green!
Which Muppet Are You?
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Lol! Gotta love it!
you are not very scary at all. i am ashamed of you!
you are pathetic and should change holidays.
what kind of hallowe'en monster are you?
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But of course
I am 50% Geek
Nerd, Freak, Geek, Dweeb. Sound familiar? That's okay, cause I will be the richest person at my 15th year high school reunion. If a "con" isn't happening that weekend.
Take the Geek Test at
Hmm, not as bad as I thought!
I am 53% Internet Addict
I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!
Take the Internet Addict Test at
Bad questions, good result
you have Inquisitive eyes. You're more interested
in why things work and how they work over the
more philosophical aspects of life. Mechanics
of things Interest you
What Type of Eyes Are You?
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Ignore the name, it's the description that's accurate!
You are Frodo! Have you ever been considered the
best person there is? You are wise, talented,
and just cool in all degrees! You possess
strong qualities, which is what lends you to
have friends who would protect you in the first
place. Being the stubborn hobbit that you are,
you do not like others to worry about you, so
in the end, you are faced with some difficult
decisions. However, you do tend to be quiet and
seclusive sometimes.
Which Hobbit Are You?
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